We need your support!

Dedicated Pioneer

Passionate about our city’s success

Young Innovative Courageous

Meet Harry

Originally from the East Coast, I ventured west at the age of 18 with a packed motorcycle and a few hundred dollars to my name. I searched for wide open spaces and a place to build my future and establish new roots. The city of Phoenix was my beacon of hope and gave me the safety and business tools to be successful. I want to work for all citizens to deliver the same opportunities I was awarded and push tirelessly for more….

Delivering solutions where none exist

Consistently implemented 20-25% operational efficiency and putting dollars where they are needed

 Led $1B+

in technology and transformational initiatives

An Advisor to many of this country's most successful corporations

An adventurer at heart with continual passion to learn

While always searching to push abilities and knowledge through research, mentorship, and experimentation gaining a wide range of experiences, understanding and interests as a serial entrepreneur, professional race car driver, engineer, dedication to Arts & Sciences and Environmental Studies.

Working together is how great cities are built

We can all bring something of value. Great ideas may be formed by a few individuals but it takes an army of people with varying skills to make it happen. I am a strong believer that Phoenix has those resources; now it’s about setting a plan and making it happen.

Direction Forward

First Responders

Recruiting the best talent locally and from across the country is a must; being a leader in pay, training and benefits is critical to accomplish this.

Safety for our Schools & Community

We must be diligent and drive effective measures to ensure our communities success, if our citizens do not feel safe we are not successful leaders.


Without a strong middle class, our city will fall. We cannot go the path of so many other cities. Phoenix needs to lead the country in policy to allow businesses to thrive.

Affordable Housing

The strength of any city is the diversity of its citizens at all levels; this is what drives culture and the soul of a community.

Streamline Processes

It must be easy for our citizens to interact with its resources. Simplifying a process not only saves money but delivers more effective services.

Mental Health

Being a leader in this area will help our city stand out in its support of its citizens. Staying ahead of the growing homeless situation will make our city more attractive and solve a growing problem.

Take the first step to support our future